

LOW pH calcium solution with organic acids

Package: Bottle 1 kg, Tank 6 kg, Tank 25 kg, Tank 1250 kg
Application: Leaf
Consentito in agricoltura biologica - Menfin

Allowed in organic farming


PRO-CALCIO is a low pH formulate (pH=0) containing calcium and low molecular weight Organic Acids, that prevents physiopathies due to calcium deficiency, such as:

  • Apical rot and blotching in tomato.
  • Tip-burn in lettuces.
  • Splits of peel on stone fruit and melon.
  • Edging of the bract on poinsettia.
  • Bitter buttering on pomaceous plants.
  • Damage on leaves for saline water, etc.

PRO-CALCIO confers more texture and elasticity to both fruits and leaves, contributing decisively to improve the natural tolerance of the plant to pest’s attacks.


Calcium Oxide (CaO) soluble in water … 12,5 % W/W 

Doses and application

Note: Do not mix with products containing sulphates or phosphates. Before a possible mixture with products containing copper, consult our Technical Service.

(tomato, pepper, melon, strawberry, lettuce, celery, zucchini, etc.)
200-400 ml/hl. Apply approximately every 15 days starting from the half of the vegetative growth (if leaf horticulture) or from the first fruits setting (if fruit horticulture) to harvest.
(drupaceous, pomaceous, citrus)
3-4 liters/ha (at least 250 ml/hl). Carry out 2 or 3 applications starting from the fruit set to the harvest. On apple tree, carry out treatments every 15-20 days, up to the two weeks before the harvest.
(in pot or cut)
400 ml/hl, performing a series of applications from the beginning of the cultivation cyle every 12-15 days. On Poinsettia treatments every 15 days at 300 ml/hl from the beginning of September until the end of November.